«Ural-Power» company produces and sales gas-fired block-modular boiler houses (BMB) which are the most wide-spread and demanded units for heating supply. Production of the gas-fired boiler houses is one of the main priority of Ural-Power company.
Key benefits of the gas-fired boiler houses
As a rule, there is a many advantages of BMB running on gas fuel over the units operated on other types of fuel, here they are:
- fuel supply (gas is available in most regions of the country);
- flexibility of fuel supply (in cases of emergency interruptions of gas supply it is possible to use another fuel — diesel);
- environmentally-friendly technologies (BMB does not pollute the environment in practice);
- gas fuel economy efficiency (the heat received through the central heating system is much more expensive than that produced in an autonomous gas-fired boiler house);
- transportability (the units can be transported easily from one site to another);
- the shortest time of installation (does not require the construction of a special building and foundation);
- the shortest time of commissioning (existence of all necessary certificates, passports etc.).
The offers from «Ural-Power» company
«Ural-Power» company offers its Customers the gas-fired boiler houses with capacity from 0,1MW to 40MW.
The most advanced solutions and innovative developments are applied in the production process. For example, intelligent systems are applied for devices responsible to manage of BMB processes. The systems allow the Customers get smart fuel consumption and produced heat, significantly decrease the expenses.
A complete set of the equipment manufactured by the company (boilers and other equipment) is provided according to technical requirements of the Customer and a general operation practice of the heating systems.
«Ural-Power» company have a huge experience in design and manufacturing of these units for delivery to all regions of Russia Federation and the CIS countries.
Service activity of the company includes a full list of works, starting from equipment production and ending of its installation and commissioning, as well as further technical maintenance. Working lifecycle of Ural-Power unites is more than 10 years.
The most convenient offer to our Customers is production of the equipment «ready-to-operate».
Please contact us via phone numbers on the website. Our specialists provide you consultation and help you choose the equipment according to your needs. Fill a feedback form and you can receive the cost estimations for your future boiler house.