Design & engineering
«Ural-Power» company provides a full complex of services in design & engineering of:
- steams and water-heating boiler-houses running on all types of fuel;
- external and internal utilities of heat supply, water supply, wastewater disposal;
- external and internal utilities of gas supply;
- external and internal utilities of steam supply and condensate drainage;
- heating systems;
- ventilation and air conditioning systems;
- central and individual heat supply stations and heat energy mesuaring stations;
- pump stations for water supply and wastewater disposal.
«Ural-Power» company uses the own equipment, as well as the lead manufacturers of engineering systems:
- pumps «Pedrollo», «Grundfos», «Wilo», «ADL»;
- heat exchangers «Alfa Laval», «Radian»;
- boiler-house equipment «Ural-Power», «ICI Caldaie»;
- burner equipment «F.B.R.», «Riello», «Baltur», «Cib Unigas», «SAACKE», «Weishaupt»;
- shutoff valves «ADL», «Danfoss», «Tecofi», «Bugatti»;
- automatic process control systems «Schneider», «Danfoss»;
- ventilating and climatic equipment «Volkano», «Teplomash», «Veza», «Arctica», «Ned» and other international brandes;
- air heaters «Tomir».